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Cookies policy

This Web Page uses cookies and similar technologies (HTTP Cookies, Pixel Tracker and Local Shared)

and third party cookies that store and retrieve information from users when they browse the website for the purposes

for the purposes indicated in the section ‘Details of cookies and similar technologies’.

‘Details of cookies and similar technologies’.
However, in compliance with the principle of proactive responsibility, Findr
informs that through this website no personal data is collected or transferred without the prior provision of the information
without previously providing the necessary legal information and obtaining the express consent of the users in the
express consent of the users in those cases where it is necessary.
With regard to the treatment of information collected through cookies and similar technologies used on this website
similar technologies used on this Web Page can also be consulted through this Cookie Policy.
through this Cookies Policy.
Cookies or similar technologies (local shared objects, flash cookies, web
beacons, bugs, etc.) are small files created by the websites visited by users that are downloaded to their devices.
downloaded onto devices (computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) or browsers,
tablets, etc.) or browsers of users with the purpose of storing and retrieving certain information from users (e.g.
certain information about users (e.g. browsing habits or information about their
information about their devices and browsers).
The following is an illustrative but not exhaustive list of the different types of
of cookies that may exist according to the following classification criteria:
Depending on who is the entity that manages the equipment or domain from where the cookies are sent and treats the
cookies are sent from and treats the information obtained through them, we can distinguish between
we can distinguish between:
Cookies own: these are those that are sent to the user’s device or browser from a computer or domain managed by the user.
from a computer or domain managed by those responsible for a website or application and from which the
a website or application and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
Cookies from third parties: these are those that are sent to the user’s device or browser from a computer or domain
from a computer or domain that is not managed by those responsible for a website or application, and from which the service
website or application, but by another entity that processes the information obtained through these cookies.
information obtained through these cookies or similar technologies.
If these cookies are sent from a computer or domain that is managed by those
the website or application itself, but the information collected through these cookies is managed by the
managed by a third party, this type of cookies will not be considered as own cookies as long as they are managed by a third party.
considered as own cookies as long as they are used by the third party for their own
third party for its own purposes (for example, to improve the services it provides or to provide services of a personal nature).
or the provision of advertising services on behalf of another entity).

Depending on the length of time they remain activated on users‘ devices and browsers: – On the basis of the time they remain activated on users’ devices and browsers:
Cookies session: these are designed to collect and store information while users access an application or website.
information while users access an application or website. They are
are usually used to store information that is only of interest to be kept for the provision of a service requested by the user.
service requested by the user on a single occasion and disappear at the end of the session (e.g., for example, when the user
disappear at the end of the session (e.g. until you close your browser and end your visit).
and the visit ends).
Cookies persistent: these are those that allow the storage of information on the user’s
information on the user’s device or browser even after the session has ended, allowing access to and processing of this information.
session has ended, allowing access and processing of this information for a subsequent period of time
defined by the party responsible for the cookie. This period can range from
minutes to several years, unless the user deletes them manually.
Depending on the purpose for which the cookie is intended, these may be:
Cookies technical and strictly necessary: these are those that allow the user to navigate through a website.
the user to browse through an application or website and to use the different options or services that are
of the different options or services that exist in them, including those that are used to allow the
used to allow the management and operation of the website or application and to enable its functions and services, such as
enable its functions and services, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, identifying the
communication, identify the session, access restricted areas, remember the elements of the
access, remembering the elements that make up the products or services,
the process of purchasing a product or service, manage the payment of products or services, control the
payment of the same, control fraud linked to the security of the service, make the application for registration or participation in an
registration or participation in an event, counting visits for the purpose of invoicing software licences with
for the billing of licences for the software that runs the service (website, platform or application), use the
website, platform or application), use security features during browsing, store content for the
browsing, storing content for the broadcasting of videos or sound,
enable dynamic content (e.g. animated loading of a text or image) or share content via the
image) or share content through social networks. Also
Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are those cookies that
enable the management, in the most efficient way possible, of advertising spaces which, as an additional
advertising spaces which, as an additional element of the design or ‘layout’ of the service
service offered to the user, have been included in a website or application based on criteria such as the
criteria such as the edited content, without collecting information from users for other purposes, as may be
information is collected from users for other purposes, such as personalising such content
advertising or other content.

Cookies for preferences or personalization: these are those that allow the user to
information to be remembered so that the user accesses a website or application with certain
with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as language, number of results
other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to show when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the website or
results to display when the user performs a search, the look and feel or content of the
website or application depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the site or the
user accesses or the region from which he/she accesses it, etc.
Cookies of analysis or measurement: these are those that allow to track and analyse the behaviour of the users.
analysis of the behaviour of the users who visit a website or application, including the
website or application, including the quantification of the impacts of advertisements.
advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to
to measure website or application activity in order to make improvements based on website or application analytics.
based on the analysis of user usage data.
Cookies behavioural advertising: these are cookies that store information on user behaviour obtained from
information on user behaviour obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits.
continuous observation of their browsing habits in order to manage and efficiently
effectively display the advertising spaces that are incorporated into websites or applications, which
websites or applications, which makes it possible to develop a specific profile in order to
show such advertising based on the same.
oSocial media cookies: the websites or applications may contain functionalities of third-party
contain functionalities of third party websites (e.g. social media sites) that embed social media
that integrate scripts or other elements that have the ability to read, and some of these
have the ability to read, and sometimes store, cookies and similar technologies on the
technologies on users’ browsers or devices (typically cookies and similar
cookies and similar behavioural advertising technologies). The
publishers responsible for websites or applications that incorporate this type of functionality are
incorporate this type of cookies or similar technologies have no access to or control over them.
have no access to or control over them or over the information that they may collect, as they are the
information they may collect, as it is the owners of the same who manage their purposes and their own
their purposes and their own privacy practices. That is why,
before allowing them to be installed on devices or browsers, it is recommended that users
browsers, users are recommended to consult the privacy policies of the third parties responsible for these cookies.
privacy policies of the third parties responsible for these cookies and similar technologies.
similar technologies.
For illustrative purposes, but not limited to, the following is a list of third parties
that may incorporate this type of cookies and similar technologies in users’ devices and browsers, together with
and browsers of users, together with the link to the corresponding cookie policy and privacy policy so that users can consult them.
policy so that users may consult them before deciding on the use of this type of
deciding on the use of this type of cookies or similar technologies.

– Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/
– Cookie Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/
-Privacy Policy:
– Cookie Policy: https://help.instagram.com/1896641480634370?ref=ig
-Privacy Policy: https://es.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?
– Cookie Policy: https://es.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy?
– Privacy Policy: https://twitter.com/es/privacy
– Cookie Policy: https://help.twitter.com/es/rules-and-policies/twitter-
– Privacy Policy: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/page/eea/privacy-
Cookie policy: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/tiktok-website-cookies-
It should be noted that these types of cookies are provided to users for illustrative purposes to facilitate their understanding of cookies and technologies.
illustrative purposes to facilitate their understanding of the most common cookies and similar technologies.
similar technologies.
In any case, details of the cookies and similar technologies that may be installed on users’ devices or browsers
in the device or browser of users who access and browse through this website are detailed below in the
website are detailed below in the section ‘Details of cookies and similar technologies’.
similar technologies’.
This Web Page uses cookies and similar technologies that store and retrieve information when users
information when users browse through it. In general, these
cookies and similar technologies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as,
for example, to obtain information about your browsing habits or to personalise the way in which content is displayed.
the way in which content is displayed. The specific uses of cookies and similar
similar technologies that this Website incorporates are described below.
– PHPSESSID: technical and strictly necessary cookie that contains the session identifier.
session identifier. It is deleted when the browser is closed.
– _lang: technical and strictly necessary cookie containing the language of the session.
It is deleted when the browser is closed.

– ac_cookies: technical and strictly necessary cookie that contains the value of whether cookies have been accepted.
the installation of cookies has been accepted. It expires 1 year after the last update.
– _ga:Google Analytics cookie that enables the unique visitor tracking function.
The first time a user enters the website through a browser, this cookie will be installed.
this cookie will be installed. When this user enters the website again with the same browser, the cookie will consider that it is the same user.
browser, the cookie will consider that it is the same user. Only in the event that the
user changes browser, it will be considered to be another user. It expires 2 years after
the last update.
– _gat: This cookie is associated with Google Analytics Universal. It is used to limit the
request rate – limiting data collection on high traffic sites.
traffic. It expires after 10 minutes.
– _utma: Google Analytics cookie that records the date of the first and last time the user visited the website.
the user visited the website. It expires 2 years after the last update.
– utmb: Google Analytics cookie that records the time of arrival at the website.
It expires 30 minutes after the last update.
– utmc: Google Analytics cookie used for interoperability with the urchin.js tracking code.
tracking code urchin.js. It is deleted when the browser is closed.
– utmt: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to process the type of
request requested by the user. It expires at the end of the session.
– utmv: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to segment demographic
demographic data. It expires at the end of the session.
– _utmz: Google Analytics cookie that stores the traffic source or a campaign to explain how the user arrived at the website.
to explain how the user arrived at the website. It expires 6 months after the last
If you have allowed the installation of cookies and similar technologies through the
cookie management and configuration system used by Findr on this website, you may at any time remove or revoke your consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies.
website, you can at any time delete or change your settings via the ‘Manage consent’ button, which you can do by pressing the
Manage consent’ button, and in the following ways:
1. Select the Tools icon
2. Click on Settings.
3. Click Show Advanced Options.
4. In the ‘Privacy’ section, click on Content Settings.
– Delete cookies: Click on All cookies and site data….
– Do not allow cookies to be stored.
5. Click on Delete browsing data (clear the Cache).

6. Close and restart the browser.
For more information on Chrome click here:
Internet Explorer. Version 111.
1. Select Tools | Internet Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. In the ‘Browsing History’ section, click Delete browsing history on exit.
on exit.
4. Select Delete files.
5. Select Delete cookies.
6. Click Delete.
7. Click OK.
8. Close and restart the browser.
For more information on Internet Explorer click here:
Firefox. Version 181.
1. Select Firefox | History | Clear Recent History.
2. Next to ‘Details’, click the down arrow.
3. Select the following checkboxes: Cookies, Cache, Active Logons, Logins
Active Logins
4. Using the ‘Time interval to delete’ drop-down menu,
select All.
5. Click Delete Now.
6. Close and restart the browser.
You can accept or reject cookies individually in Firefox Preferences,
in the History section available under Tools > Options > Privacy. For more
information about Mozilla Firefox click here:
Safari Version 5.11.
1. Select the Safari / Edit | Reset Safari icon.
2. Select the following checkboxes: Clear history, Delete all website data, Delete all website data.
all website data
3. Click Reset.
4. Close and restart the browser.
For more information about Safari click here: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042

1. Options – Advanced – Cookies.
The cookie options control how Opera handles cookies and therefore their acceptance or rejection.
acceptance or rejection. For more information about Opera click here:
However, we remind you that in those cases in which you use devices
with iOS 14.5, iPadOS 14.5, and tvOS 14.5 and later versions, the effective configuration of the
effective consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes of behavioural
for the purposes of behavioural advertising, analytics or measurement or preferences or
personalisation that rely on identifiers on your device must be done through Settings>Privacy
through Settings>Privacy>Tracking on your device.
If you would like more information on how to revoke your consent or how to opt out of the use of cookies, please contact us.
about the procedure to disable cookies, as well as to ask any questions about the
questions about the Cookies Policy of the Website, you can contact Findr at
Findr at the following address dpo@findr.es .
Interaction through this Web Site and the use of the various forms that are incorporated into it, including the
forms, including forms for the purchase of products and services, are not specifically directed at children under the age of fourteen.
specifically directed to minors under fourteen (14) years of age and therefore, whenever possible, users are
possible, users are asked to enter their date of birth as a mechanism for verifying compliance with this
mechanism to verify compliance with this requirement.
Findr is not responsible for the use that users under the age of fourteen (14) may make of the devices or terminals
devices or terminals used to navigate through this website.
this Website.
However, we are aware of the special protection that personal information relating to minors deserves.
personal information relating to minors deserves, and therefore, if any user is under fourteen (14) years of age
(14) years of age, before continuing to browse through this Web Page, they must inform their
parent or guardian to accept, configure or reject the cookies of this Web Page.
Website. If you are a parent or guardian and are concerned about the use of personal information of minors
personal information of minors that you represent, you may contact
Findr at any time at dpo@findr.es .
Where technical and necessary cookies are installed on your device or browser or
where users expressly consent to the installation of any other type of cookies and similar technologies on their
cookies and similar technologies on their devices or browsers, the persons responsible for the
of the Website and third parties (service providers or third parties) may collect certain information, including
collect certain information, among which we can include the following:
Detalles technical information about the devices used by users, including: internet connection
including: connection to the internet and/or other networks, IP address,

your mobile device identifier, your operating system, browser type or other software or equipment
other software or data on your computer or other technical details.
Detalles of the use of the services of this Website including, but not limited to:
metric information about when and how users use our services, traffic data, usage data, traffic data, usage data and other technical details.
services, traffic data, geographic location data (city and country), date and time of the
and time of the last time the user visited the Website, access to the content the user chose in their
content that the user chose during their last visit.
Datos with regard to the informed consent expressly given by users for the
consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies on their devices, including the
devices, including the user’s consent status as proof of the required and given consent.
consent required and given.
In any case, Findr informs that the personal data obtained through the installation of cookies or similar technologies have been
installation of cookies or similar technologies have been anonymised so that it is not possible to specifically identify users.
possible to specifically identify users. However, we remind you that
this Website may also contain third-party logos or functionalities that incorporate cookies that may
incorporate cookies that may collect information for purposes over which you have no access or control.
have no access to or control over and we therefore recommend that you consult the privacy policy
policy and the cookie policy of each of them before accepting or rejecting the use of them in order to know all the information that may be collected.
to know all the information that they can collect.
Where we transfer your data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom or Switzerland, we will ensure that we transfer your data to another country.
or Switzerland, we ensure that there is an adequate level of data protection, based on the decisions of the
based on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions under Article 45 of the GDPR.
adopted under Article 45 of the GDPR and finding that the third country to which the data is transferred offers an adequate level of data protection.
the data is transferred to offers an adequate level of data protection.
The data processing is carried out, as a general rule, within the European
European Economic Area or in countries that have been declared to have an adequate level of data protection.
This Cookie Policy may change depending on the cookies and similar technologies used by this Website.
technologies employed by this Website.
Findr recommends that you review this Policy each time you access this Web Site in order to
to be properly informed about how and for what purpose cookies and similar technologies are used in order for you to
and similar technologies are used so that you are aware of any changes in this regard.
changes in this regard, without prejudice to the prior express and informed consent of the user.
your express and informed consent.
Cookies Policy updated in July 2024.





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